sábado, 6 de dezembro de 2014

PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0.6.1

PES 2015 Patch Tuga Vicio v0.6.1

Content: Compatible with online mode.
All licensed teams:
New Kits: Premier League, Portuguese League, teams Skybet Championship, Serie B, National team (Full)
Logos of Competitions (Full)
Emblems of the teams (Full)
Name of coaches
Names of stadiums for all teams
Referee equipment CL and FIFA
New pack of balls
Badges for English and Italian League
The names and logos of the cups
Correct names of players of national teams (Asia corrected)
Includes DLC 1:00
Includes Update 01/01/01
More than 400 new faces
Some players with tattoo
Players without a contract or without unlocked club. (More 500)
New stadiums: (optional)
Camp Nou
Santiago Bernabeu
Pes Selector:
Optional for installation: Pesmonkey – Pitch & Weather Mod V1.0, HP PES, and Stadium
Language: Portuguese, English and Spanish
v0.6.1: Correction online, new faces Portuguese League, Fixes Pes Selector and emblems of the selections.


1º- Have PES 2015 installed
2º- Off the Antivius
3º- Install Patch choosing the folder where the game is installed "Pro Evolution Soccer 2015"
4º- Install Update 0.6.1
5º- Install FIX
6º- PLAY!


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